July 19, 2012

Gaga and Office Depot. What's up with that?

As we all know, Lady Gaga is a "champion" for gay rights, right?  She's fighting for their cause,  Or that's what she wants you to believe anyway.  Stefani, along with her mother, registered Republican Cynthia Germanotta, even went so far to start the sham called the Born This Way Foundation.

In recent days, the Born This Way Foundation teamed up with Office Depot to sell a line of products to promote bravery.  25% of the profits will be donated to Stefani's foundation and the remaining 75% funneled into Office Depot's pockets.

Here are some of the products.  

Bracelets? Really? She wants to go down that road again after the Japan bracelet fiasco?

The campaign's formula goes like this.

In other words, thanks to Office Depot teaming up with Born This Way, you can now BUY your way out of your self esteem issues, your poor self image and your lack of courage. By buying their products, you will automatically be a kinder, braver and more giving person.  You will now be the best person you can be!  Just buy the Born This Way pen and all your problems are solved because Office Depot is supplying your bravery just like your back to school supplies.  Excuse me while I vomit.

Check out the entire campaign on their Facebook page. 

Ironically, considering that Stefani is the self proclaimed Joan of Arc for gay rights, then why the hell is her foundation teaming up with a company that has been criticised for it's lack of human rights toward the LGBT community in 2010?  

Read the rest at KnowMore.org.

Furthermore, most of the political contributions made by Office Depot went straight to the Republican party.  The party of Stefani's parents.  

The same party vehemently opposed to any gay rights whatsoever.  The same party that thinks gays are the spawn of Satan.  A group of people who believe that being gay is a choice opposed to, uh, being "born this way".  They do not care for gay rights.  They would be happier if gay people went away.  Far away.  So what's the deal Stefani? Care to explain because I sure am having a hard time understanding this one. 

See the full report at followthemoney.org.

Seriously, does she not research this before she gets involved?  I still want to know what the plan is to combat bullying and promoting bravery  because I don't see how a bunch of kindness post-its are going to do it.  Or pens.  Or bracelets. 

I would think long and hard before you buy this cheap crap from Office Depot.  If you do, not only are you contributing to a company that is anti-LGBT, you are also falling for a hugely manipulative campaign designed to make you believe you are bettering yourself when in truth, you are donating to a charity so Gag's can get a huge tax break come tax time.   On top of this, you are buying yet another product.  What exactly is she doing with the 25% of the profits.  Building an island house in Greece perhaps?  

Off topic....here she is once again tweeting about being wasted.  How very brave of her.

Thank you Lara B for the tip.